Friday 9 November 2012

[TRANS] 恋韩誌 Fans★Fans Magazine (Part 2)

Please credit to us if you're using it for your blog :)

Youngmin & Kwangmin

Question: How do you feel that day when you endorse for IVY Club?
Kwangmin: Actually after expanding idol's life, I always wanted to endorse for an advertisement for school uniforms (smile), I always thought, one day it should be our turn to shoot? Never thought that it's really our turn to shoot! Feeling very happy!

Question: Compare when wearing school uniform and your personal clothings, which one do you prefer most?
Youngmin: After becoming an entertainer, because there are a lot of promotional activities,  so in fact there is not much time to experience school life, so now, actually I still miss wearing school uniforms day. In the past I don't know how good it is to wear school uniform, but lately wanted to wear school uniform.

Question: How do you wear school uniform so it looks handsome? Give everyone some tips!
Youngmin: I think the most important is to buy clothes that fits owns size, it'll look good if it fits your body. My guy friends will alter their school uniform so it'll fit them, girl friends will alter their skirt and becomes shorter, like mini skirt, often see until soul was brought together (laughs).
Kwangmin: IVY Club's school uniform product is not bad, wearing them the body figure will looks good, especially  the legs look more slender, it is amazing! I myself never alter the length of the school uniform, but I did alter the width of the school uniform into a width that fits me.

Question: After BOYFRIEND becomes singer, because of work you're unable to attend school often, now because of advertising you're wearing school uniform seems very happy! At school, what do you want to do most?
Youngmin: The things i wanted to do most ah~ maybe its going out and play with friends after school?! Before debut, I always go out with friends and play at electric toy shop, and always at home with friends and have fun, seems almost the time is spend with friends, at least junior high is also the same.
Kwangmin: During Junior high I like to play football, also likes to play basketball, but lately didn't have the timeto do those exercise, pity ah!

Question: Donghyun says you will play football around you neighbourhood with some foreigner, who often wins? You twins stands at which position?
Youngmin: half half, sometimes we would win! Normally me and Min Woo are goalkeeper (laughs), because it would be less tired, only need to watch people running around.
Kwangmin: I don't really like to have body contact with people, so I also likes to be goalkeeper (laughs).

Question: Other than advertising school uniforms, what product do you still want to advertise?
Youngmin: Food maybe could be alright~
Kwangmin:Actually theres no restriction for what products, as long as theres someone looking for us to advertise, I think we can try!

Question: The difference between the twin brothers is what?
Kwangmin: Maybe its personality! Youngmin hyung is very outgoing and lively, but my personality is more quiet~

Question: At home, other than you twins, theres another younger brother, talk about what is the difference between this brother and both of you?
Youngmin: He is still small! Because I'm the brother, so I wants to take care of him, his personaily is more like Kwangmin, a bit of 4D personality.

Question: Other than explaining the handsome school uniform, lately Kwangmin's airport fashion also receive much attention, what do you think?
Kwangmin: haha, thank you very much for loving my style, each time in order to look better in front of everyone, I really did give a lot of effort! Recently, I prefer black clothes, feels that matching black clothes is good to see, in the other hand also pay attention to match the hat.

Question: The member thinks Youngmins' personality is a bit slow, would you want to change this habit?
Youngmin: Actually I didn't really pay attention at this point, but thinking about it seriously, slow personality seems to be some problem.

Translated by Admin JLYM for Boyfriend_95Min
Take out with full credit

Thursday 8 November 2012

[TRANS] 恋韩誌 Fans★Fans Magazine (Part 1)

This is an interview of Boyfriend from a Chinese Magazine. Translation is made by Admin JLYM for Boyfriend_95Min.Please take out with full credit.

Question: What is your feeling when shooting for Ivy Club?
Answer: This time endorse a school brand, I feel really happy because I'm able to shoot this advertisement with the gymnast Son Yeon Jae (smiles) !

Question: Compare when you're wearing school uniform and your personal clothing, which one do you       prefer most?
Answer: Actually its been a long time since I wear school uniform, so the feeling of wanted to wear school uniform is getting stronger! But, today, I'm very happy because endorsing and also have the opportunity to wear school uniform again, I felt really happy! Because I've not wear school uniform for a long time, so it seems, my age is a bit old (smile)? In conclusion, wearing school uniform's feeling is really different, feel very great!

Question: The advertising BOYFRIEND looks really handsome, and the clothes is very fit, how does your school uniform looks like in the past?
Answer: In the past,I will alter my school uniform, because clothes too long, width of cloth is a bit too big for my body, so I would alter the clothes that would fit me, ah~ most important is, have to wear IVY Club's school uniform.

Question: How to wear the school uniform so that you'll look handsome? Tell us some tips!
Answer: I think when wearing school uniform, match with a pair of sports shoe is the best looking, sports shoe and bag also can match different colours. Last time, I prefer with white sports shoe, I think that white sports shoe and my vest's white colour matches.

Question: After BOYFRIEND becomes singer, because of work you're unable to attend school often, now because of advertising you're wearing school uniform seems very happy! At school, what do you want to do most?
Answer: In high school, I became a trainee, so often needs a lot of practice, in my memory, I always sleep in school, because of exhaustion after training. Compared to not studying hard, I think the most pity was, I didn't made a lot of friends, thinking back, being in a students life seems quite interesting.

Question: Unable to do some stuff with high school friends, after that are you able to complete it with the members?
Answer: Near our dorm have a football field, we will go there and play football, sometimes will jog there, to release stress through exercising, sometimes we would divide into groups to compete, and also exercise with some French school's student lately.

Question: Play football with French students, what's the score?
Answer: Sometimes not only French people, but also some black people/ friends will also join football rank. Black people's strength has great strength, if have body collision, we may have disadvantage, but usually we quite often wins. Normally I'm responsible for free kick, and my spinning kick is quite powerful.

Question: At the dorm, normally what will everyone do?
Answer: Because the dorm only has television, so we always watch music show, or sit together and chat. But, because normally after work everyone is exhausted, if there's nothing we would try to sleep early.

Question: Other than advertising school uniforms, what product would you want to advertise?
Answer: I think sports energy drink is not bad, because we often needs a lot of energy to practice, so we need very large amount of energy (smiles).

Translated by Admin JLYM for Boyfriend_95Min
Take out with full credit.

Boyfriend JANUS Comeback!

Boyfriend- JANUS mv 

credits: starshipTV

Boyfriend- Goodnight [AUDIO]

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1   

Boyfriend- Excuse Me [AUDIO]

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1

Boyfriend- Trippin' (Hyunseong Solo) [AUDIO]          

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1

Boyfriend- Mystery  [AUDIO]

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1

Boyfriend- Go Back [AUDIO]

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1

Boyfriend- Stop It [AUDIO]

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1

Boyfriend- Listen (Donghyun Solo) [AUDIO]

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1

Boyfriend- My dear (Jeongmin Solo) [AUDIO]

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1

Boyfriend- Soulmate [AUDIO]

credits:  BubbleFeetPandaCH1

Boyfriend MNET & Hug me Event (picture)

credit as watermark

credit as watermark

Donghyun Jeongmin Kwangmin
credit as watermark 

credit as watermark

credit as watermark

Minwoo & Youngmin
credit as watermark

credit as watermark

Tuesday 6 November 2012

GURUPOP videos

GURUPOP Show EP2- Boyfriend (Part 1)

credits: GURUPOP KPOP on Youtube

GURUPOP Show EP2- Boyfriend (Part 2)

credits: GURUPOP KPOP on Youtube

GURUPOP Show EP2- Boyfriend (Part 3)

credits: GURUPOP KPOP on Youtube

Saturday 18 August 2012

#OnceUponALove (Part5)

        I was snapped out by the school bell from my daydream of the view outside the school. I came back to the reality of life. It was really fun to see the kids running around. I did wish I could go back to the moment I had fun the most. I started to pack up some of my stuff and leave for recess. By the time I’ve done packing up, Eunhee came to my table.
Faster Tiffany! We’re going to miss recess! I’m hungry already!” complained Eunhee.
Arasso~ I’m done! Let’s go~
Eunhee drag me all the way to the cafeteria. We’re quite late for recess already. After we bought the food, we were finding for a table to sit. Unfortunately, the cafeteria was already packed with students. Suddenly Eunhee saw two empty seats at Kwangmin’s table. She walked towards Kwangmin’s table.
Excuse me, may I sit here?
Sure~ join in Tiffany~
Errrrrr….. Ok~
I was sitting opposite Kwangmin while Eunhee sat opposite a guy.
Hi! Let me introduce myself! I’m Min Woo J.
Hi! I’m Eunhee ^^.
Nice to meet you. I’m TiffanyJ.
“I’ve met another friend today!” I thought to myself. Thought it was unbelievable that I was able to have some friends but I’m glad to have one. We chat a little while eating. It was time for recess to an end. Everyone moves back to their classes. I, Eunhee, Kwangmin and Min Woo was walking together back to our class. Next lesson starts. I was little bored and did a little scribble at my own book. I still remember that I slipped a picture of me and my family at the book. I turn to take a look at it. “I miss you,” I mumbled. Kwangmin saw the picture. “They are your parents?” he asked. I nodded. Since I decided to study at this school, I had to leave them. I was kind of holding back my tears while thinking about it. Kwangmin realizes that and he apologizes. “It’s ok. It isn’t your fault anyway,” I replied. We didn’t talk then. I kept the photo back into the book and concentrates at the teacher. Time passes and school ended. I walk out of the school with Eunhee. Then, I started walking home. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps following me. I started to feel insecure. I fasten my steps. The footsteps were fastening too. Suddenly I felt someone touched my shoulder. I got afraid and almost scream. It was Kwangmin. He saw my face turn pale.
“Are you okay? Mianhae did I scare you?
Kwangmin! It was you. I thought someone followed me ><.
Ani~ I wasn’t sure if it was you just now so I tried to catch up to you.
Mianhae! I didn’t mean to think that you’re someone else…
It’s ok~ you wouldn’t mind if I walk home with you right?
Ermmmm…. I’m okay with it ^^.
Both of us walk back home together. Our conversation was less awkward today. “Thank God!” I said to myself. Once I reach the house, like normal, I would take off my shoes and go back to my room. I lay at my room thinking about today’s progression. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. I woke up and opened the door. Kwangmin was there.
Sorry for bothering you again~ the food in the fridge needs to be refill so I’m going out to buy the groceries. Do you need anything?
Ah~ do you need help? There’s a lot to buy though~ I had some personal stuff to buy too ^^.
Alright! I’ll wait for you downstairs ^^.

Friday 17 August 2012


       Another day has started. I woke up from the alarm I set. 6.00 am it shows. I rubbed my eye wanted to go back to sleep but I can’t. I lazily walked to the washroom started to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I put on the school uniform to get ready for school. Before I started walking, I smelled something nice. It was food…. “Who could it be cooking in the morning?” I thought. With curiosity, I went downstairs to take a look. It was Kwangmin that cooked breakfast in the early morning.
You’re awake! I cooked breakfast~” He said with a smile.
Ahhhh~ Its you who were cooking~
Yuppp J! Since you cooked for our dinner last night, I wanted to thank you by cooking the breakfast ^^.
Kamsahamnida J
Nae~ Cheonma~ Hope you enjoy your breakfast!
I nod my head as a reply. “It is delicious!” I complimented him. I turn my look at the time, 6.45am. ‘Oh crap!’ I said in my head. I quickly finish the food and wash the plate. Suddenly Kwangmin asked me, “Would you want to walk to school with me?” I was totally stunned and couldn’t imagine that I’m going to school with him. I stop myself from daydreaming and didn't reject him. We were both walking together side by side. It was still awkward for us to talk. I felt the heart beat in me. It was beating quite fast. I told myself not to fall for it at the wrong moment. Without us realizing, we’ve reach school. I saw Eunhee and waved to her. I told Kwangmin that I’m walking with Eunhee and apologize for ditching him. He said it was ok and so I went off.
Hi Tiffany! How was yesterday? And why are you walking to school with a hottie?” said Eunhee.
Hi Eunhee~ Owh it was a tiring day but I managed to finish my homework J. Ahhh~ that was because…. I….live with him….” I finished the sentence with a pink blush flushes my face.
You WHAT?!
I quickly cover her mouth and drag her to a place with less people.
How did you get to stay with him? I mean like, are you guys’ a couple? If you were, I’d be so happy for you!” She said in an excitement.
We COINCIDENCELY rent the same house that’s why. And I’m single! Don’t get it the wrong way!” I said softly.
She gives the ‘Owhhhhh’ kind-of face to me. The school bell rang. I dragged her till we reach the class hoping that she will not ask anything. After having our seats, I gave out a ‘Phewwwww that was close’ face. Today’s schedule was started with Maths lesson. I was kind of bored so I looked out the through the window. It was a cloudy day. I saw some kids running around at the park nearby and eventually smiled.

Kwangmin’s POV
I woke up early and planned on cooking breakfast for us. It was 5.45am. I went and wash up and changes to my school uniform. Then, I went downstairs to get prepare the food. By the time I finished cooking and serves the food on the table, I saw Tiffany coming down. I told her that I cooked breakfast for thanking her for the great dinner last night. We ate our breakfast peacefully. She even praised my cooking skills! I was glad that she likes it. She was rushing for school but I manage to ask her if we could walk together to school. I was eventually shocked to have asked her to walk to school with me. “What was I trying to do, Pabo!” I scolded myself. Luckily she didn’t reject me. We walk to school together but it was still awkward as we were not close and I didn’t know how to start a conversation. Without realizing, we’ve reached school. “That was fast,” I said in my mind. Then she saw her friend while entering the school. She left me and walks with her friend. I walked with my friends too but I took a peek at her. ‘She was cute though~’ I shook the thought out of head. Then I chat with my friends for little while while waited for the bell to ring as a sign of school starts. The bell eventually rang and we move to our own class. I walk with this guy I met and know called Min Woo. He was quite a nice guy though. We entered the class and sit at our consequences places. She came in with her friend. School started with Maths today. As I was concentrating at the teacher teaching, I took another peek at her. I saw her smiling while looking at the kids running around. I smile looking at her too.

Thursday 16 August 2012


             As I was walking closer to the house, I search my bag for the key. Then, I saw a guy standing in front of the house. He looked familiar to me. I was thinking who could it be and later on I realize it’s the guy that sat beside me in school today. ‘Could it be he’s the one that the house owner had mentioned? I guess so…’ Without thinking anymore I quicken my step to enter the house as the weather was really hot. I open the door and saw him drinking in the kitchen. I put down my bag and took off the shoes. Then, he came out and saw me.
 “Hi! It’s me Kwangmin. Hahahaha~ what a coincidence that I will be living with you ^^.
 “Hi!J Yup! What a coincidence ^^. Do you know where your room is?
 “Nae ^^.
 “Ummmm…. I’m going back to my room so bye~
 “May I know who’s cooking for our dinner tonight?
 “Oh! I will be cooking since you’re my new housemate.
 “Cheonma ^^
Then I walked back to my room. ‘That was an awkward conversation though. Are we going to be like this for the whole year? I hope not and we could be friends…..’I said to myself. As I reach my room, I dumped my bag on the bed and there goes me, diving onto the bed.

Kwangmin’s POV
I was having a drink at the kitchen when I heard the door was open. I quickly finished my drink to see who my housemate could be. Surprisingly I saw the girl that I sat beside to. It’s Tiffany. “Hi! It’s me Kwangmin. Hahahaha~ what a coincidence that I will be living with you ^^,” I said. “Hi!J Yup! What a coincidence ^^. Do you know where your room is?” she asked me. I replied her with a ‘Yes’ since I know where my room is. She wanted to go back to her room but I stopped her just to ask who’s cooking for our dinner. She said that she’s cooking. It would be great to be able to taste her cooking skills. After the conversation ended, ‘Wow. What an awkward convo… Hopefully our conversation would be better and less awkward when we talked next time,’ I thought. Then, I started walking back to my room too. Although that room wasn’t really big as my previous home, it could be comfortable for me. I lazily lay on the bed and dozed off to sleep then.
-End of POV-

I slept without myself knowing. I woke up and look at time, telling me it was 4.30pm. I went and took a cold bathe. I felt more refreshing after the bathe. Seeing the time was 5.00 pm, I walk out of my room and started walking towards the kitchen. I took the ingredients out of the fridge and started preparing dinner. It was a simple dinner with kimchi soup and some other delicious food that I learn from my mum. I serve the dinner on the dining table and then took off the apron. I walk towards Kwangmin’s room and knock his door. “Ummm, Kwangmin, dinner is readied,” I said. He opened the door and gave a warm smile to me and said, “Arasso, I’m coming ^^.” I was nearly melted with that smile he gave me. ‘Why is my face getting hotter and my heart is beating so fast?! No Tiffany! Not now!’ I said to myself. The dinner we had together was really awkward. It was a bit of silence. I was just concentrating on eating. Then, Kwangmin broke the silence.
He said, “Your cooking skill was really good^^.
Errr…. Thanks~” I replied.
After the dinner, Kwangmin helped me to clean up the mess and washes the plate. “What an independent guy. Worth to marry for,” I said to myself. After then, Kwangmin proceed to the living room for a movie or to watch a show. He invited me but I plan on doing my homework’s so I turn off his invitation. There were quite a lot of homework’s even though it was just the first day of school. I managed to finish it before 11pm. I started yawning and went off to get some sleep.


 It’s the first day of school in high school. It was new to me as I didn’t attend the orientation day since I was busy with getting ready of the stuff since it was starting of the school. I went to the cafeteria for a drink before school starts. The school bell starts to ring and I move to the hall to check the classes that I have. I jot down it in my notebook and starting moving to my class. Then, I walked to my class. The class was quite noisy but when I enter the class, it was silent for a while. I lowered my head and continue to walk to the empty seat behind the class. A few foreign students can be found in the class. I took out a notebook and a pen at my table and start to write some stuff down. A guy came in and caught the whole class attention. The girls in my class were screaming and excited when they saw the guy. I was just relaxing and ignoring them and go on with my own work. Suddenly I heard a voice talking to me. “Excuse me miss, may I sit here?” I looked up and saw a guy. I smile and answer, “Yes, you can.” ‘Cute guy~ No wonder the girls was so excited just now. Wait! What am I doing? I was supposed to concentrate on my studies not fangirl over him!*shakes head* I shall get back to my work!’ I thought.
Hi! I’m Kwangmin. Nice to meet you ^^,” said him.
Hi! I’m Tiffany. Nice to meet you too ^^,” I replied.
Then a teacher came in. “Good morning class. I’m Ms. Lee. I will be teaching you English,” said a teacher that walks in the class. Everyone started to keep quiet and pay attention to the details that the teacher has told. An hour later, the class ended. Suddenly a girl came towards me.
Hi! I’m Eunhee~ Nice to meet you!” said Eunhee.
Hi~ I’m Tiffany. Nice to meet you too!” I replied.
Do you have any friend’s here?
Ummmm… I don’t ….
Well I’m going to be friends with you then! You wouldn’t mind right~?
Of course not~” I replied with a smile.
It’s recess now! Let’s eat together~
‘I’ve made a friend! Though I thought it’s going to be hard to have a friend here~ with a friend with me I wouldn’t be so lonely anymore!’ I said to myself. We were happily talking to each other and asking each other question. We even exchange our phone number! A great start of a friendship. Later on, school ends. I rent a room of a house that was near the school. I was walking home alone when suddenly I receive a phone call from the owner of the house.
“Tiffany, I’m informing you that there will be a student from your school renting the same house as you ^^. So, you’ll have a housemate. Please treat him good J” said the house owner.
“Arasso. I will ^^,” I replied.
Then I hung up and continue my way home.


This is my first fan fiction so i hope my dear bestfriends will love it :D Remember to give me some feedback :)

Male Lead - Jo Kwangmin
Female Lead - Tiffany

Its after school. Since there's nothing to do in school, you decide to went home. When the time you reach home, its already 2.00 pm. You rang the doorbell as you thought Kwangmin was at home and normally he will open the door for you. You've waited a while but still, nobody opens the door for you. Finally, you decide to open the door yourself. Once you open the door, you shouted "I'm home~ Anybody in the house?" but no one answers. You felt curious as Kwangmin will tell you if he had to stay back at school. No, he didn't. Nothing from him. Then, you took out your phone and switch on your phone as it is closed during lessons were on. There were a missed call from Kwangmin. Its a voice mail from him.
                 "Tiffany, I'm sorry to say but my parents had decide to shift me to a better school. It was way far from here. I tried begging my parents to change their mind but they wouldn't. They have everything planned already. I didn't know how to tell you about this. I was disappointed to know that I had to leave you but I've got no choice. I didn't have that courage to tell you. I'm afraid you will cry and beg me which a scene that I don't want to see. I know I will be heartbroken to see you crying in front of me. I'm moving out of the house. I'm sorry. We'll still keep in touch right? Since I'm moving away, I'm afraid I can't handle the relationship. Lets just be friends? I'm sorry and I love you."
Once the voice mail ended, your phone slipped from your hand. Unconsciously, tears roll down to your cheek. The memories of both of you together went playing around your memory like a video. Your heart was broken into pieces. You can't believe that he leave you like this without telling you face to face. You just can't let go him easily. You didn't want to end the relationship. You know you love him and you can't live without him. Without him, you're nothing. You didn't want to touch the phone because you know you will kept texting him, asking and begging him not to leave you. Although you don't want all this to happen, it is a fact you can't change.

- 17 years old
- A girl in high school
- Lives alone
- Doesn't have much friends

Jo Kwangmin
- 17 years old
- A guy that you met in school
- Your classmate
- Lives with you
- Kind and a nice guy

Lee EunHee
- same age as you
- a girl that you met in school
- your bestfriend

Sunday 3 June 2012

120601 Boyfriend DearBerry Fanmeeting

P.S: click on the picture for original size


Credit to seraphmin , boyfriendchina
take out with FULL CREDIT
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