Friday 17 August 2012


       Another day has started. I woke up from the alarm I set. 6.00 am it shows. I rubbed my eye wanted to go back to sleep but I can’t. I lazily walked to the washroom started to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I put on the school uniform to get ready for school. Before I started walking, I smelled something nice. It was food…. “Who could it be cooking in the morning?” I thought. With curiosity, I went downstairs to take a look. It was Kwangmin that cooked breakfast in the early morning.
You’re awake! I cooked breakfast~” He said with a smile.
Ahhhh~ Its you who were cooking~
Yuppp J! Since you cooked for our dinner last night, I wanted to thank you by cooking the breakfast ^^.
Kamsahamnida J
Nae~ Cheonma~ Hope you enjoy your breakfast!
I nod my head as a reply. “It is delicious!” I complimented him. I turn my look at the time, 6.45am. ‘Oh crap!’ I said in my head. I quickly finish the food and wash the plate. Suddenly Kwangmin asked me, “Would you want to walk to school with me?” I was totally stunned and couldn’t imagine that I’m going to school with him. I stop myself from daydreaming and didn't reject him. We were both walking together side by side. It was still awkward for us to talk. I felt the heart beat in me. It was beating quite fast. I told myself not to fall for it at the wrong moment. Without us realizing, we’ve reach school. I saw Eunhee and waved to her. I told Kwangmin that I’m walking with Eunhee and apologize for ditching him. He said it was ok and so I went off.
Hi Tiffany! How was yesterday? And why are you walking to school with a hottie?” said Eunhee.
Hi Eunhee~ Owh it was a tiring day but I managed to finish my homework J. Ahhh~ that was because…. I….live with him….” I finished the sentence with a pink blush flushes my face.
You WHAT?!
I quickly cover her mouth and drag her to a place with less people.
How did you get to stay with him? I mean like, are you guys’ a couple? If you were, I’d be so happy for you!” She said in an excitement.
We COINCIDENCELY rent the same house that’s why. And I’m single! Don’t get it the wrong way!” I said softly.
She gives the ‘Owhhhhh’ kind-of face to me. The school bell rang. I dragged her till we reach the class hoping that she will not ask anything. After having our seats, I gave out a ‘Phewwwww that was close’ face. Today’s schedule was started with Maths lesson. I was kind of bored so I looked out the through the window. It was a cloudy day. I saw some kids running around at the park nearby and eventually smiled.

Kwangmin’s POV
I woke up early and planned on cooking breakfast for us. It was 5.45am. I went and wash up and changes to my school uniform. Then, I went downstairs to get prepare the food. By the time I finished cooking and serves the food on the table, I saw Tiffany coming down. I told her that I cooked breakfast for thanking her for the great dinner last night. We ate our breakfast peacefully. She even praised my cooking skills! I was glad that she likes it. She was rushing for school but I manage to ask her if we could walk together to school. I was eventually shocked to have asked her to walk to school with me. “What was I trying to do, Pabo!” I scolded myself. Luckily she didn’t reject me. We walk to school together but it was still awkward as we were not close and I didn’t know how to start a conversation. Without realizing, we’ve reached school. “That was fast,” I said in my mind. Then she saw her friend while entering the school. She left me and walks with her friend. I walked with my friends too but I took a peek at her. ‘She was cute though~’ I shook the thought out of head. Then I chat with my friends for little while while waited for the bell to ring as a sign of school starts. The bell eventually rang and we move to our own class. I walk with this guy I met and know called Min Woo. He was quite a nice guy though. We entered the class and sit at our consequences places. She came in with her friend. School started with Maths today. As I was concentrating at the teacher teaching, I took another peek at her. I saw her smiling while looking at the kids running around. I smile looking at her too.

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